Holy Crunch, Batman!


I’ve read some of the hippie, crunchy, earth mother websites and blogs available. Some of them, I can get behind, others, I just can’t.

This is for various reasons, one being that there seems to be a lot of people out there who are anti-vaccination. Personally I’m all for vaccination. My kids have been vaccinated, I’ve been vaccinated, and due to working in hospitals I’ve had regular boosters and yearly flu shots.

I absolutely agree that people who are immunosuppressed or allergic shouldn’t get vaccinated, there’s no point making yourself deathly ill. But I also believe that we should not only protect ourselves, but we should protect others where we can, from preventable communicable disease. Herd immunity is a thing. There are studies, backed by science and years of research.

So while I advocate for vaccination, I won’t go on about it (too much). I just don’t think we should push our views and thought processes onto others. So if something I say here isn’t to your taste, that’s fine. You can choose not to visit the site again, or just ignore the posts you don’t like or don’t apply to you. All I’m going to do is offer what has worked for me. I’m not going to tell you that I’m right and you’re wrong, because life isn’t that way. You need to choose what works for you, and that’s the important thing about sharing, we all have brains and you can research, or try things to see if they work for you or not. None of us are doing this life thing wrong (unless there’s been charges) and it’s great to have other options to explore. So feel free to show me your options, your ideas and feedback. As long as we’re all civil, and kind, I’m good with it.

So maybe this isn’t going to be your typical crunchy earth mama site. It might be more of a middle ground between crunchy and conventional, and I’m okay with that. Here’s hoping you are too.

Love, hugs, etc, Deb

2 thoughts on “Holy Crunch, Batman!

  1. Yes!! just yes!! You are me… People call me crunchy, but I never considered myself crunchy. I have a lot of non-crunchy views like I am ALL for vaccination and tend to lean more toward the conservative side politically. It is nice to know that I am not the only “some-what crunchy” person out there!

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